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Randy Hill

Regional Facilitator: Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, Northern Louisiana, Oklahoma, Tennesse, Northern & Western Texas

Email: txoksozo@gmail.com
Phone: 972-578-9999
Websites: txoksozo.com or randyhillministries.com

After over 35 years of ministry, my passion is the same: to see hurting people made whole by coming to know the reality of God's love for them. As the founding pastor and senior leader of The Summit Church in Wylie, Texas, I strive to accomplish this by working to bring churches together to change the spiritual atmosphere over North Texas. My greatest desire is to see the church raising up children to become fathers and mothers in the Kingdom. I see the Sozo ministry as a key component in growing people out of spiritual immaturity, selfishness and brokenness; instead turning them into spiritual leaders and world changes.

I minister with my wife Dana, 3 adult daughters, and an active and enthusiastic ministry team.