Cheryl Kirkham

Regional Facilitator: Ohio

Phone: 614-793-8900

I oversee The Transformation Center at Zion Christian Fellowship in Powell, Ohio. I have been involved in inner healing and deliverance ministry for years but was waiting for something that would help people stay free. Sozo was the answer.

After attending the first training in 2009, I immediately implemented Sozo, trained up a core team and has continued to Sozo others almost daily. This has become full-time for me and for others on my team.

The team has reached out to other churches regionally and helped the prepare, organize and establish a Sozo ministry in their churches. My goal is to see the region of Ohio and beyond transformed by following the principle of “People being trained, equipped, and released, walking out their destiny in total freedom and joy!”

In addition, I lead a kids’ Sozo ministry called JC Express which is helping children have face-to-face encounters with the Lord, learn their Kingdom identity, and recognize and yield to the voice of Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

My family consists of my husband Paul, sons, and granddaughters. I have an amazing family at Zion that completes my life, because God has knitted our hearts together. This is such a wonderful time in history to be alive. Aren’t we blessed?