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Dr. Margaret Nagib

Regional Facilitator: Licensed Counselors


I am a clinical psychologist and the facilitator for professional counselors for Bethel Sozo.  My passion is partnering with the Holy Spirit to restore wholeness through a deeper relationship with God, helping individuals, communities and organizations reclaim their identity, purpose, and passion. I received my doctorate in clinical psychology from Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL and have been working in the field of psychology since 1998. I also graduated from two years of Bethel Church’s Supernatural School of Ministry (BSSM).

I travel around the country and internationally, providing seminars for various organizations and churches on wholeness and training professionals to partner with the power of the Holy Spirit. 

I am the author of Souls Like Stars: Renew Your Mind, Heal Your Heart, Unveil Your Shine; Sozo for Professional Counselors: Integrating Psychology and Inner Healing to Restore Individuals to Wholeness and Soul Making: A 12 week Group-Based Sozo Experience. 

I have a private practice in Wheaton, IL. 

Connect with me at TheDunamisProject.Org and @margaretnagib on Instagram.

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