
Anne Troyer

Regional Facilitator: North Carolina, South Carolina

Email: barbara@gracehp.org
website: gracehp.org/sozo

My passion is to see people come into their fullness of deep relationship with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I worked as a Registered Nurse for over 30 years. While working as a nurse, God called me into lay counseling.  I have a Master’s Degree and Seminary Degree in counseling. I embrace the Sozo ministry because it allows the Godhead to do the counseling and They know exactly what needs to be done to bring freedom and healing to each individual. In January 2011, I welcomed the opportunity to do an internship with the Bethel Sozo team in Redding, California. In January 2012, I became a Certified Bethel Basic Sozo Instructor.

It is my vision to see the multiplication of the Bethel Sozo Ministries in churches. I have experienced personally and witnessed in others, the power of the Bethel Sozo Ministry to bring freedom, to set the captives and prisoners free so they can walk in loving relationship with the Godhead and embrace a fulfilling life in Jesus Christ. I am the Director of the Bethel Sozo Ministry at Grace Church in High Point, NC. I and my husband have lived in High Point since 2005. We have several children and grandchildren.